Marika just born. First picture in the hospital. May 24, 2002
Marika and Iliana December 2003
Praciting for the show, eating pudding while mom is spinning a ball on a spoon in December 2004.
Before the show at Carrier Dome SU Men's Basketball Game February, 2004. The girls were definately the high point of the show!
Iliana is spinning a ball on her shovel after Marika brought it over in her wilboro in summer of 2004.
The girls have often been the highlight of the show. They have been a part of the show since they were born. Evangelica spinning 5 basketballs in the latest one.
Performing at a school assembly September 2005
Rescue mission event July 2006
NY State Fair, August 2005. Iliana dribbling 2 basketballs and crossing them over
Performing at a Vermont Frost Heaves half-time show in Burlington, VT
Crowley photos
European ULEB Cup Men's Basketball Game in Latvia January 2005
Evangelica with her sisters in the hospital March 4, 2008
Evangelica July 2008. She has already been part of many shows and has flown on an airplane to a show with mommy!
Our latest half-time show at SU women's game Dec. 2009. Turn up the volume! First performance by 1 1/2 year old Evangelica carried out by her 7 yr. old sister Marika